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A wonderful story meets a wonderful machine. A family heirloom that hadn't been started in a VERY long time. 

The ask was to rebuild with sympathy. A restoration without alteration. All those years of ownership and use was to be locked in place. Every scrape, every dent and every piece of patina was to be sealed in and worn like a badge of honour. The honour was all mine.

The Mods

Zero modifications above what had already been achieved in order to blend this Norton and Triumph way back when it was the "done thing".

​Engine top end rebuild due to a seize. Cylinder honing allowed for oversized pistons, rings and pins.

Front end suspension rebuild with new stanchions. Reconditioned magneto. 

Full clean up and polish. Frame, swing arm, tank, guards, oil & air tanks, brackets, nacelle, and stanchion covers all lacquered to seal and protect the patina.

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